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Environmental Impact


ERINCO is by far, the leading consulting organisation in the conduct of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) with the successful completion of over 200 EIA.

Our company has been engaged for a large number of such studies, covering a wide variety of projects for both the public and private sectors.

ERINCO has also prepared a number of EIA sectoral guidelines on behalf of the Department of Environment, Malaysia.


Environmental Site
Assessment & Remediation


Our multi disciplinary study team comprises personnel with vast experience in hydrogeology, geology, biology, chemistry and engineering sciences to provide the expertise to undertake soil and groundwater monitoring, evaluate contamination levels using numerical models and to provide engineering solutions for ecologically and economically sound restoration plans.


Environmental Management Planning,
Environmental Audits &
Environmental Monitoring


ERINCO’s strategic environmental management services focuses on developing and implementing procedures, programmes and tools for environmentally sound practices. Environmental compliance audits and monitoring programmes are playing an increasingly larger role in development projects. With the advent of new global environmental management standards (e.g. BS 7750 and ISO 14000 series) and the more stringent enforcement by the Malaysia’s Department of Environment.

Our firm’s multi-disciplinary team has the capability and experience to provide all requisite technical advice on erosion control employing bioengineering concepts, water quality, air quality, noise, solid waste and wastewater management, scheduled waste management and health and safety aspects.